04.04.2010 Public by Grok

Clinical problem solving in gp - Situational Judgement Test

There are 2 types of Professional Dilemma MCQ – Ranking & Multiple Best Answer (MBA) Paper 2 - Clinical Problem Solving (75mins - 97q) “The questions present clinical scenarios and require you to exercise judgement and problem solving skills to determine appropriate diagnosis and management of patients.

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Instruct the nurse to give the medication to the patient B. Discuss with the nurse why she disagrees with the prescription C. Ask a senior colleague for advice D. Complete a clinical incident form E. Cancel the prescription on the nurse's advice F.

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Arrange to speak to the nurse later to discuss your working relationship G. Write in the medical notes that the nurse has declined to give the medication H. Review the case again Answer: Sample question You are an FY2 doctor working in general medicine. The son of a patient who was recently admitted asks to see you privately on the ward.

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He expresses his gratitude for the care given to his mother. Choose the three most appropriate actions to take in this situation.

Thank him for his gesture, saying it is very kind of him b. Tell him that he should keep his money c. Ask him not to tell anyone about this d.

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Suggest that he donate the money to the ward, as everyone helped care for his mother e. Suggest that he buys chocolates for the ward staff with the money f. Take the money, and buy chocolates for the ward staff with it g. Inform the ward staff about his gratitude for the care received.

Tackling situational judgment tests

Familiarise yourself with the competences in the clinical person specification by downloading and reading the full document for your entry level. Read through the new edition of Good Medical Practice. Finally, practise sample solves under timed conditions to get used to the question format.

The son of a patient who was recently admitted asks to see you privately on the ward. He expresses his gratitude for the care given to his mother. Choose the three most appropriate actions to take in this situation. Thank him for his gesture, saying it is problem kind of him b.

Tackling situational judgment tests

Tell him that he should keep his money c. Ask him not to tell anyone problem this d. Suggest that he donate the money to the ward, as everyone helped care for his mother e. Suggest that he buys chocolates for the ward clinical with the money f. Take the money, and buy chocolates for the ward staff with it g. Inform the solve staff about his gratitude for the care received. Familiarise yourself with the competences in the national person specification by downloading and reading the full document for your entry level.

The GP ST Entry process

Read through the new edition of Good Medical Practice. Finally, practise sample questions under timed conditions to get used to the question format. MR is a director of Emedica, which provides courses and online revision for anyone interested in GP training www.

Clinical problem solving in gp, review Rating: 92 of 100 based on 116 votes.

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21:06 Zulutilar:
Situational judgment tests have been used as far back as the s. Therefore it would also be important to review the patient again H.

13:36 Togis:
Tell her to register with a GP locally c.

14:10 Zugar:
The candidate must choose the three options that combined make the most appropriate response.